POOP陶芸projectは、ワークショップを通じて、プロジェクト参加者が動物の POOP(糞)やその動物が生息する土地の土を使って器を作り、 その器を自身の食卓へ取り入れる、この一連の流れを体験します。
This Project allows participants to engage in experience through workshops that participants use animal feces and the soil from the land where these animals inhabit to create pottery. They then incorporate these pottery into their dining tables. By using pottery, animal feces, and food as mediums, visualizes the flow from nature to living spaces, aiming to help participants re-recognize the foundation of their lives through hands-on experiences.

POOP陶芸project in 安曇野
場所:豊科北中学校 特別支援学級
MG PRESS取材→牛ふんを釉薬に使用―東京芸大出身の美術家・鈴/